About CinqC's future signals
Bringing together expert voices from government, military, legal, business and tech, CinqC's future signals shares news and views you can use with startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses around the globe.
future signals gathers short- to mid-term (18-24 months) perspectives from our signal sources, identifies signal clusters where our experts' opinions coalesce, and highlights outlier signals that may indicate things to come or that you might need to put on your radar. The objective is to share pragmatic and practical advice along with methods you can adopt and tools to help you adapt. These are news and views you can use to create robust future businesses in our ever-evolving world.
You can find all future signals reports detailed below.
With expert Cybersecurity signals from:
Liisa Past
Chief Information Security Officer at SMIT, The IT and Development Centre at The Estonian Ministry of the Interior
Rain Ottis
Professor of Cyber Operations at TalTech, Tallinn University of Technology
Jesse Wojtkowiak
Chief Information Security Officer at Pipedrive
Mari Seeba
Information Security Specialist at The Estonian Information Systems Authority
With expert Cybersecurity signals from:
Audrey Tang
Digital Minister of Taiwan
Mike S. Rogers
Former US Navy Admiral, 2nd commander of the United States Cyber Command and 17th Director of the National Security Agency
Chloé Messdaghi
InfoSec expert, Tech activist and Business Insider’s 50 Power Players of Cybersecurity
Dan Shefet
Adviser to the Council of Europe on the Internet Ombudsman; Expert in IT, Privacy & European Law
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